Njonjo Mue

Njonjo Mue is a Rhodes Scholar, human rights lawyer and transitional justice expert based in Nairobi, Kenya. He has held senior positions with leading national and international human rights organisations, including serving as Legal Advisor to the Africa Programme (and was Head of the Africa Regional Office) of the Freedom of Expression Watchdog ARTICLE 19; being Regional Director for PANOS Eastern Africa; working as the Head of Advocacy at the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights; serving as Africa Deputy Director for the International Center for Transitional Justice; and being a Senior Advisor to Kenyans for Peace with Truth and Justice, a coalition of over thirty human rights organisations established in the wake of the 2008 Post-Election violence to pursue truth and justice for PEV victims and advocate for a fundamental reform of the Kenyan State to address the root causes of political instability. Additionally, Njonjo has sat on the boards of several leading organisations including chairing the Governing Council of the Kenya Section of the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ–Kenya) and chairing the board of the International Institute of Legislative Affairs. He has won several awards for his human rights work, including being named Jurist of the Year by ICJ–Kenya in 2000 for his “unparalleled courage, determination for the preservation and restoration of human dignity, and realisation of the tenets of democracy and the rule of law.” Njonjo also holds an MA degree in Theology from the International Leadership University.

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